Final Message 24 at Death or Funeral
woman. Now cracks a noble heart... (a tiny message by Shakespeare to his princess). Includes a place to include name of sender
Death - Poetry
woman. Now cracks a noble heart... (a tiny message by Shakespeare to his princess). Includes a place to include name of sender
man or woman. The meaning of song... (and its relationship to life and death, just a couple of words by WB Yeats but powerful words). Includes a place to include name of sender
man or woman. Brought by false dreams... (borrowed from Carol @CarolDrummond4)
man or woman. Delusion in death was denial in life... (borrowed from Tess @Tess)
man or woman. The night has a thousand eyes... (a poem about the death of the light of a whole life when love is done, by Francis William Bourdillon). Includes a place to include name of sender
woman. Can death be sleep, when life is but a dream? A message pondering the realities of life (a poem by John Keats changed slightly to make it more appropriate to the recipient). Includes a place to include name of sender
man or woman. Say a prayer for me... (borrowed from j matthew waters @jdubqca)
man or woman. Love slumbers on... A message about memory which remains, like the end of music or the smell of a rose... (a poem by Shelley; fresh words as if written yesterday). Includes a place to include name of sender
man or woman. Death is the gate of hell... (a snippet from the pragmatic George Bernard Shaw). Includes a place to include name of sender.