Other documents useful to Association Inc

Other documents useful to Association Inc

Report on the umpire to be filled out by the captain after each game.


AUD $0.00

Form to be filled out by the parent giving informed consent to the child to participate in the excursion and clear details regarding health and allergies etc, and granting indemnity to supervisors if duty of care is complied with.


AUD $0.00

Form to be filled out by the parent giving informed consent to the child to participate in the excursion and clear details regarding health and allergies etc.


AUD $3.30

Form to be filled out by the parent giving informed consent to the child to participate in the excursion and clear details regarding health and allergies etc, and granting indemnity to supervisors if duty of care is complied with.


AUD $0.00

A gym workout programme for an individual member of a fitness club.


AUD $0.00

Record of an injury in or around the swimming pool.


AUD $3.30

First aid cheat sheet that outlines medical procedures to ensure that children that are injured or fall sick is properly dealt with.


AUD $5.50

First aid cheat sheet that outlines medical procedures to ensure care is taken and to ensure that the victim is properly dealt with.


AUD $3.30

First aid cheat sheet for a children's pool centre that outlines medical procedures to ensure care is taken and to ensure that the victim is properly dealt with.


AUD $3.30

First aid cheat sheet for an in-home nanny service that outlines medical procedures to ensure care is taken and to ensure that the victim is properly dealt with.


AUD $3.30

First aid cheat sheet for a lifeguard or anyone responsible for individuals in a beach setting.


AUD $3.30

First aid cheat sheet that outlines medical procedures to ensure care is taken and to ensure that the victim is properly dealt with.


AUD $3.30

Report form for injury in or around a gym/fitness centre.


AUD $3.30

The paper template for a Petition of certain citizens of Australia to go to the Commonwealth applying the rules given by the Standing Committee on Petitions.


AUD $0.00

Daily Rainfall Sheet to keep a yearly record of the rainfall.


AUD $0.00