This annual performance review is for a team member. It tries to concentrate on things that can be measured and is less reliant upon how the manager feels about the team member. The annual performance review is based on two basic planning documents, the job profile and the work unit profile. To properly understand this document you need to understand these first. These two documents were used to generate personal and unit objectives, against which performance can then be measured. These objectives are formal even though some can only be subjective and others are more scientific. The first section assesses time-based performance monitors and much of the assessment is already achieved when these are complete. Some basic assumptions are necessary: Every team member takes part in the pursuance of both personal and unit goals (if they cannot be assigned a percentage of at least one of the goals of the unit, then they are not part of the unit). These goals can only be achieved by the completion of tasks. The total of a team member's tasks can only add up to 100%. By applying these few simple assumptions, much of the annual assessment can be performed. At the end a more subjective evaluation is made according to a high level model of performance indicators (which could be agreed formal KPIs or more informal indicators agreed at the start of the year) with 5 levels of performance possible. This 8-page template also contains a 9-page example. International planning document.
Annual measured performance review. (H-90545)