This board policy paper provides the basis for a board resolution outlining the company's commitment to eliminating deceit and fraud (two important malpractices) from its operations. Its focus here is "corporate malpractice" and therefore describes criminal behaviour by management at all levels of operation (from the board to line management) (NOTE: it is not talking about an employee stealing from the company although some might consider such actions to involve some form of deceit). It recognises both private and public malpractice, because public malpractice often gives rise to private malpractice, especially in the case of bribery of government officials. It assumes deceit is a misdemeanour and fraud is a felony and bases its policy statement on that distinction. It describes what will happen when a whistleblower calls attention to deceit and/or fraud, and prepares a board resolution to communicate this to directors, employees, suppliers, customers and competitors of the company.

Board policy paper providing the basis for a board resolution outlining the company's commitment to eliminating deceit and fraud.