Permanent part time position for a hair/beauty salon assistant. Employed by a Company. Signed by Salon Manager. Overtime. Any State. This contract of employment for a permanent part-time employee is designed for any State in Australia by making general reference only to Common law. It is a single contract that ignores the requirements of current IR legislation and will not be registered as an AWA. It assumes fortnightly pay payable by the following Thursday. It assumes overtime. It assumes entitlements to annual leave, annual leave loading, superannuation, long service leave and sick leave.
*Note: This contract of employment includes a 3 page job description for a hair/beauty salon assistant employed within ANZIC group 951 Personal Care services to assist hairdressers/beauticians and preform routine tasks in a hair/beauty salon. (H-66999)

Permanent part time position for a hair/beauty salon assistant. (H-66999)