'Civil litigation', in the widest sense of the word, includes all litigation other than criminal prosecutions. However 'civil litigation' also has a narrower meaning, meaning claims in contract, or claims in tort (meaning a "civil" wrong, such as an act of negligence). Here we use "civil" in this narrower sense.
Normally a civil solicitor's job starts with an initial face to face interview with the new client. However, if the solicitor or the client are in a hurry, or afraid of missing some important details, the client might ensure that the available time is used to maximum benefit, by recording in writing some details the solicitor might need to know sooner rather than later. It also helps that memories fade, but writing doesn't. While your memory is fresh, and in your own time, set down as many important details as possible. It is better to say too much now, than to remember something important when the court case is almost over.
This briefing, which can also be called 'confidential written instructions', can also economise on legal costs. Normally the human eye reads about three times as fast as the normal human mouth can speak. The reader may of course go back and read something a second time, but that is less disruptive than a listener asking a speaker to repeat themselves.
Remember that most court cases are decided on the evidence rather than on the facts. If there is no evidence of the fact, then it doesn't exist in court. So start collecting the evidence sooner rather than later. That includes eye witness testimony, and relevant documents.
Provided this briefing is created for the purpose of obtaining legal advice and representation, it should remain confidential at all times. Do not produce multiple photocopies if this document.

Legal Briefing -Person briefs solicitor re COMMERCIAL matter for the purpose of obtaining legal advice and representation, it should remain confidential at all times. Do not produce multiple photocopies if this document.