This reference check is a FORM (using the [TAB] key) built by the potential employer, and implies we are 'seeking your involvement as this is an important managerial position'. It seeks a reference from someone who the candidate has offered as a 'possibe referee'. In 'relationship', it applies to a Director, an Employer, a Team Leader, a Mentor, a Peer, an Underling, or an 'Other'. It asks key questions related to the previous position such as performance, KPI, compliance with Code of Conduct, formal / informal delegation, technical competence, Board involvement, forms of remuneration, etc., as well as some standard checks. It seeks two levels of interaction by the referee. It is HER to make it more personal and direct and intimate (which the use of 'their' for a single individual tends to mitigate against).

Reference check built by the potential employer.