

Letter of notification - redundancy leads to retrenchment

A letter of notification to an employee - redundancy of position due to changes in operations leads to immediate need for retrenchment of employee and termination of the contract of employment. It discusses the investigation and exhaustion of possible alternatives, the key dates: notification date, termination date, and retrenchment date, and the elements involved in the calculation of severance pay.

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AUD $16.50

Last Day Employee Record

The Changes to Employee Record is extended to include everything that is needed to bring about the Termination and/or Redundancy of the employee. It is built over the process of Termination/Redundancy and needs to be completed before the end of the Day of Termination. It is useful to get the employee to sign off. It can be used in conjunction with Termination Contract or Redundancy Contract or on its own.

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AUD $27.50

Termination Contract

This common law contract of termination replaces a common law contract of service (employment contract) for an important member of staff. It assumes that the employer paid a special (significant) hiring fee to the new recruit to "come on board". Because this was a large amount, it expected certain benefits to the employer, including extended loyalty, confidentiality, and restraint of trade, and it required certain remedies if these were not delivered.

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AUD $55.00

Termination Contract - Redundancy leads to retrenchment

This common law contract of termination replaces a common law contract of service (employment contract) for a single employee who has been retrenched because his/her position has become redundant to operations. This contract of termination therefore seeks to clearly explain how the severance fee is calculated and to get both parties to agree to the terms of full and final settlement.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00


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