Employment Contract

Contract of Employment - Bar Attendant/Bartender F/T

Permanent staff - Bar Attendant/Bartender. Full time, Regular hours, any State in Australia. Modern format, signed by Manager & employee. It assumes fortnightly payment Thur-Wed, in arrears, payable by the following Thurs. Basic contract that is designed to continue throughout the term of employment, accompanied by a Letter of Engagement designed to be completed and signed by both parties to record contract changes during that term of engagement. This has been seen as a useful combination of documents. It assumes yearly review.

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AUD $33.00

State Award

A state award is established by an act of the state parliament. The award states clearly the category of employee to which it applies and which employers are referred to in the respondency list. State awards apply only in one state. State awards can cover all employers and employees in the industry or occupation to which the award relates — even if they were not parties to the making of the award. (State government legislation).

AUD $0.00

ANY - Contract of Employment (PermF/T) TIM/OFF Co2 MON

Permanent office (or any) staff - Full time, Regular hours. Employed by a Company. Signed by Director(s)/Secretary. Any State. This contract of employment is a common law contract designed for a regular, permanent, labourer in any State in Australia. It assumes monthly pay payable half in arrears and half in advance. It assumes yearly review. It assumes no overtime but time off in lieu.

Document image: 
AUD $33.00

Federal Award

A federal award is established by an act of the federal parliament. The award states clearly the category of employee to which it applies and which employers are referred to in the respondency list. Federal awards apply in more than one state. Both federal and state awards can apply to a particular workplace so they need to be referred to in a comparative and referential study. (Australian government legislation).

AUD $0.00

Termination Contract

This common law contract of termination replaces a common law contract of service (employment contract) for an important member of staff. It assumes that the employer paid a special (significant) hiring fee to the new recruit to "come on board". Because this was a large amount, it expected certain benefits to the employer, including extended loyalty, confidentiality, and restraint of trade, and it required certain remedies if these were not delivered.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

Contract of Employment (Basic) (Vic.) - OfficeStaff O/TIME

This contract of employment is designed for the administrator and/or office staff in the State of Victoria, with specific reference to Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cwth), and Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cwth). It assumes monthly pay payable half in arrears and half in advance. It assumes yearly review. It assumes overtime. It assumes three month probationary period.

Document image: 
AUD $33.00


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