Management consultant

Consultancy Agreement

This Service Contract (called Consultancy Agreement) is for a consultant to work on a project to be completed by a given time (the 'term') and to be paid for on the delivery of [the results of (primarily) intellectual pursuits] within that term. The agreement concentrates on professionalism, technical abilities and the intellectual property (IP) of the final delivery. The contract requires an initial payment to get the job under way and [results of pursuit] (such as report, design, plan, exposure, etc.) are delivered at particular milestones.

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Master Service Agreement Order Form

A special order form for use in the case of a Master Service Agreement (order implies contract). It contains all the information/sign-offs necessary to get the new slave (or implied) contract under way under an existing master service contract without necessarily involving the Board. NOTE: this order form must stick exactly to the form of the Service Contract annexured to the Master Service Agreement. Any significant differences may require a separate contract to be approved by the Board. (L-52081)

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AUD $3.30

Service Contract (not contract of employment)

This Service Contract is for a contractor who works regular hours like an employee and is paid a yearly fee, broken into monthly payments but who is not an employee. The contract seeks to make this clear by clearly limiting the number of days that the contractor can work in any calendar year, thereby ensuring that the contractor cannot be mistaken for a permanent part-timer. This contract makes specific reference only to federal law and therefore can be used in any State. These references include reference to

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AUD $44.00

Compliance Model 3 - Reporting entities

NOTE: THIS IS A DIAGRAM ONLY. The compliance model has a tendency to bring all operators under the one umbrella. After all, we all live on the same planet, and breathe the same air, and drink the same water. There are a number of different reporting entities that will apply the compliance model. These range from non-profit to profit entities and small to large entities. Here is an overview of the key reporting entities in Australia.

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AUD $3.30

Compliance Model 1 - Overview

NOTE: THIS IS A DIAGRAM ONLY. Our local environment is now dominated by key concepts that need to be included in our mission if our operations are going to be clean and green and capable of lasting into the future. We ignore them at our peril. If we ignore them, our operations will be short-lived and we will fail to pay the full cost of production and thereby contribute to a short-lived planet. The "compliance model" introduces these concepts.

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AUD $3.30

Contract - management cons -total sum paid in stages upfr +b

This Service Contract is for a management consultant to work on a major management planning or decision making project to be completed ASAP. There is an 'intended term' but no penalties are incurred by either party for failure to meet the intended deadlines. After the end of the intended term either party may end the contract by providing notice. There is an 'absolute term' (which could be a year after the intended term but needs to be there in case of significant lack of progress) which causes a finalisation of this contract and a new contract (if desired by both parties).

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AUD $44.00


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