Management consultant

Service Contract (anyjob) - one-off, handsoff my customers

This Service Contract is a simple contract for a Service Provider who works on a particular project to be completed by a given time (the 'term') and to be paid a total contract sum split up by (a) an upfront fee; (b) interim payments whilst work is in progress based upon the achievement of particular milestones; and (c) a final fee upon completion and sign off. This is a friendly contract and does not go into detail about failure to perform, leaving that up to the courts in the unlikely event of failure to perform.

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AUD $55.00

New Model 4 - Reporting

NOTE: THIS IS A DIAGRAM ONLY. The key in the future to working out our short, medium and long term success will be compliance factors used in annual reporting. We will have to be prepared to adjust our operations, year-by-year, to guarantee compliance. If we wait a decade, it will be far too late. This brings the compliance model into contact with the reporting entities model and generates a new or enhanced role for the annual report. We expect to see the compliance factors playing a stronger and stronger role in reporting.

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AUD $44.00


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