Project Management

Project Resource Assignment Schedule

This basic resource assignment schedule is designed for early planning of resource assignment on a new project and includes a thirteen week planning schedule. A basic GANTT-style format. It is usually used for quick assignment of resources on a time line using a pen, prior to more formal critical path analysis. An example of the generation of Phase Numbers, Task Numbers, Resource Types, and Resource Numbers is included.

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AUD $11.00

Memorandum of Understanding

The Memorandum of Understanding is a record of an agreement between two or more equals who have agreed to cooperate in order to achieve certain objectives; these "equals" could be, for example, different divisions of the same company or two or more different companies. It is similar to a partnership agreement but in the case of the Memorandum of Understanding there is no attempt to build a separate legal entity; it is simply a way of getting the two entities to work together.

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AUD $55.00


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