Project Management

Task-based estimate (multiple standard rates by task)

An estimate using a simple MSExcel spreadsheet for a simple job made up of professional tasks charged out at multiple standard rates by task with a drop-down task list and a look-up price list. Change the price list and the estimate changes. Key in the proposed start times and finished times for each task and have the calculator estimate the task hours and costs.

Document image: 
AUD $22.00

Work Schedule - Days Planned

This work schedule is designed for consultants planning their commitment to an external job or for internal jobs with "days only" assignments and includes a nine week planning schedule, days planned, and a calculation of the effort required by the team at 3 levels of assignment (project manager, senior, junior), and also a calculation of the effort required by the client at 2 levels of assignment (manager, worker). This can be used as a basic GANTT chart.

Document image: 
AUD $11.00

Contract Variation Register

A very simple document but very effective for keeping control over the cost of changes to the project, for projects operating under a development contract or a service level agreement. This document links the change management project documents to the external legal agreement. Changes are represented by a legal agreement (called a "Contract Variation") and this register controls the issue of contract variations and keeps track of their cost to the project.

Document image: 
AUD $11.00


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