Project Management

F. Project Costs

This reports looks realistically at the project costs, based on the assumption that the strategic plan is the best alternative and that it will be approved and the resources needed will be available and ready to go in the timeframe given in the strategic plan.

AUD $0.00

Contract Variation Form

A formal contract variation form for updating contracts following estimating, budget impact and change control approvals. A simple form but important for complete change control for projects running under a development contract or a service level agreement.

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AUD $11.00

C. Business Impact Analysis

The business impact analysis is performed after the strategic plan and the technological assessment have both become available. It looks at the organisation internally and externally. It looks at the overall mission of the company and future of the organisation in the medium and long term. It asks what will the the effects on the organisation if the project goes ahead and what will happen if the project doesn't go ahead. These questions form the basis of the risk analysis and the opportunity costing that will follow directly from this report.

AUD $0.00

Strategic plan (high level only)

A broad strategic plan based on a real 5-year plan. It contains only the headings at the highest level of planning and links with more detailed lower level plans such as the technological assessment report, business impact assessment report, risk analysis report, project costing report, opportunity costing report, and the resources requirements and funding report.

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AUD $22.00

Concept plan - submission to NSW State Plan

When the NSW State Government recently asked for submissions to their new State Plan, a couple of young tech writers (and one not so young) had a brief brain storming session. They did this because the younger ones felt that this was a rare opportunity for them to have some input. The older one agreed to go along for the ride. This is what they came up with. The style was borrowed from the State Plan draft document to make it more believable.

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AUD $0.00


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