This Service Contract is for a contractor to work on a project for planning, writing, editing and publishing a major document to be completed by a given time (the 'term') and to be paid for a given number of hours within that term. The contract requires an initial payment to get the job under way and has a 'backout clause' which allows the Client to cancel within 30 days, but, after this date, both sides are committed to completing the job as agreed. For small jobs 100% is required up front. This is a "ghost writer" contract which means specific clauses related to the transfer of copyright and contains suggested appendices based on 7 stages of document life-cycle. There is specific reference only to federal law and therefore can be used in any State. This includes reference to

Service Contract for a contractor to work on a project for planning, writing, editing and publishing a major document to be completed by a given time (the 'term') and to be paid for a given number of hours within that term.