Instrument of indemnity
Instrument of indemnity
Form to be filled out by the parent giving informed consent to the child to participate in the excursion and clear details regarding health and allergies etc.
Form to be filled out by the parent giving informed consent to the child to participate in the excursion and clear details regarding health and allergies etc.
Form to be filled out by the parent giving informed consent to the child to participate in the excursion and clear details regarding health and allergies etc, and granting indemnity to supervisors if duty of care is complied with.
Form to be filled out by the parent giving informed consent to the child to participate in the excursion and clear details regarding health and allergies etc, and granting indemnity to supervisors if duty of care is complied with.
Form for registration for participation in an event proposed by a cyclist association.
A separate deed of indemnity arising from a director or officer of the corporation accepting responsibility to act on behalf of the Board under an Instrument of delegation.
A form for registration for participation in an event proposed by a boxing sponsoring association.