PDF. Another useful example of a simple matrix organisational chart. This large corporation has three operating divisions because it operates in three nations. This means that each of these divisions needs a flat functional department structure that are all pretty much the same, but, because the markets they operate in are completely distinct and subject to quite different linguistic, cultural and legal conditions of trade, there is no point in them being housed together. Each Division is quite independent. This means the flat functional is multiplied by three, which results in 4 basic levels of management plus a separate corporate division that is quite removed from the sales process, which is largely concerned only with the life of the overall amalgamated corporation, or maybe sells a few services to the national divisions. To complete this chart, import the flat functional chart appropriate to the operations (e.g. Manufacturing or Sales) for each country, with upstream/downstream strategic planning and costing, and you have the complete picture. Presented as a simple diagram. (International planning presentation)

Simple matrix organisational chart for a large corporation operating in three nations.