
Some important documents for small companies wanting to use shareholders' agreements to run the company. (CD=#5)

Code of Ethics - Shareholders vs BOD - conflict of interests

In whose interests should the company make important productive decisions; are the shareholders' interests more important than the CEO, the directors, the BOD, the officers of the corporation, or less? Can they ever be the same or will there always be a conflict of interests? How should such conflicts be resolved? If a single shareholder owns more than half of the equity or owns enough to control the company, should (s)he be forced to take into account the interests of the minor shareholders? What legal responsibilities apply in Australia? (C-30201)

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Share Acquisitions Journal

The journals are not essential, but useful when the number of transactions is large and complex. This journal is for recording all acquisitions of shares by existing members or new members. Fill in every acquisition each day into the journal and then "post" the transaction at the end of the day or the end of the week into the member's register. The money can be checked against the bank records and then you have a record to audit the member's register against. Australian company record. (C-85603)

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