
Some important documents for small companies wanting to use shareholders' agreements to run the company. (CD=#5)

Letter from Coy Secretary - Death of shareholder THIRD

Letter from Company Secretary following Notification of the shareholder's death under s.1072 of

by personal rep (such as Executor of the Will and Trustee of the Estate), telling the personal rep that, since the shares were not owned jointly at death, these shares are to be transferred to a third party as requested and requesting certain information.

Document image: 
AUD $11.00

Share Redemptions Journal

The journals are not essential, but useful when the number of transactions is large and complex. This journal is for recording all redemptions of shares. Fill in every redemption each day into the journal and then "post" the transaction at the end of the day or the end of the week into the member's register. The money can be checked against the bank records and then you have a record to audit the member's register against. Australian company record.

Document image: 
AUD $11.00


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