
"Black". A formal statement that describes generally the overall aims and objectives of the company; why the company was formed; what the company is trying to achieve. It usually takes the form of a concise narrative statement that describes the definitive scope of the overall business. That is to say, from the mission statement it should be possible to derive what the company generally will and will not be involved in throughout its life. So it is an important element in corporate governance. The docDownload team has applied a 'scientific' concept to the mission statement by developing an MAKPI (mission as KPI). This means we have developed an overall KPI that applies to the whole business/corporation/organisation that outlines something measurable in order to properly assess whether we have achieved our mission or not. A mission statement differs from the code of ethics which describes what the company considers to be right and proper. Nevertheless, it is much easier to write your mission statement after you have done your code of ethics, as the mission statement is usually highly conscious of position in society, social purpose and ethics. (CC=#1)

Here we provide a range of missions to suit particular companies in particular industries:

Mission - Inter-State Furniture Removalist Service

A mission statement for an inter-State furniture removalist who may not be a specialist but who, by his/her professionalism and understanding of what is happening, is able to clearly enunciate the task in hand (ANZIC Class 4610). This mission statement is aware of the ethics, risks and benefits of a professional service. International planning document, includes generic KPI.

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