Dr. Mark's Checklists

8. Development Regular Track

The Development Regular Track is intended for product enhancements that will take over 40 manhours to implement and for those that will take less but involve more than three interfaces and thus are "complex". International planning profile, with simple explanation.

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AUD $11.00

1A. Software Development Philosophy

The first step in building a team is to put some structure into the commitment to quality. Here Dr. Mark builds a detailed mission statement that has something for every member of the team, for each group in the team and for the team over all. Dr. Mark says: "I'm not suggesting you use mine; it's offered to get you thinking along those lines". International planning profile

Document image: 
AUD $5.50

5. Analysis & Design Checklist (Combined - Small Shop)

A document combining the functions of separate Analysis and Detailed Design documents for a small shop. Per ISO/IEC 12207, the Analysis Phase transforms the requirements into an architecture and documents high-level design for interfaces and for database. The Detailed Design Phase documents the design itself: components, interfaces, and database. International planning checklist. (ISO/IEC12207) 

Document image: 
AUD $33.00

4. Design Outline

A ten point plan giving a useful outline for the Design document prepared for Fast Track and Regular Track software development projects. International planning outline.

Document image: 
AUD $11.00


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