Contracting & Sub-contracting

Subcontractor's agreement - services only

This agreement allows a contractor to engage a sub-contractor to provide "services only" on a contract for which (s)he is the head-contractor. All equipment needed to provide these services, and any materials and supplies related to the use of that equipment, is to be provided by the head-contractor. The agreement seeks to ensure that the sub-contractor is not considered to be an employee of the head-contractor. The head-contractor is indemnified by the sub-contractor but not for negligence of the head-contractor.

Document image: 
AUD $44.00

Service Contract (not contract of employment)

This Service Contract is for a contractor who works regular hours like an employee and is paid a yearly fee, broken into monthly payments but who is not an employee. The contract seeks to make this clear by clearly limiting the number of days that the contractor can work in any calendar year, thereby ensuring that the contractor cannot be mistaken for a permanent part-timer. This contract makes specific reference only to federal law and therefore can be used in any State. These references include reference to

Document image: 
AUD $44.00

Deed Poll - Confidentiality Declaration by subbie Tas.

A sub-contractor employed in Tasmania under a separate contract with the Contractor signs under Deed Poll an undertaking to keep confidential information supplied to him/her for work under the original Contract between the Principal and the Contractor. This is an interesting document. It uses the Deed Poll format so that the subbie can sign it without the need for formal sign off of three way agreements between the subby and the other two parties which are a hassle to obtain and provide little more than the Deed Poll.

Document image: 
AUD $33.00

Memorandum of understanding - JV(project) Coy & Coy ANY

Good for NSW, Victoria, SA, WA, NT and ACT. For QLD ???; for Tas. ???. This Deed or Memorandum of Understanding is between a company and another company who have decided to co-operate in a new joint venture operation which is project-based, meaning there are no revenues and no attempt to make sales or profit, simply to incur expenses from which both parties seek to benefit.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

Service Contract (not contract of employment) - rate/hr

This Service Contract is for a contractor who works irregular hours and is paid a fee per hour, paid monthly on invoice. The contract seeks to make it clear that the contractor is not an employee by clearly limiting the number of days that the contractor can work in any calendar year, thereby ensuring that the contractor cannot be mistaken for a permanent part-timer or a casual employee. This contract makes specific reference only to federal law and therefore can be used in any State. These references include reference to

Document image: 
AUD $44.00

ANY - Master Service Agreement (order implies contract)

This Master Service Agreement allows the service provider and the customer to enter into a number of implied service contracts purely upon the issue of a detailed order form that does the work of describing basic information about the contract and what is to be included in the Schedules to the contract. The Order is prepared by a nominee of the customer and the Order is accepted and signed off by a nominee of the service provider. This saves the parties the trouble and cost and time of having to enter into an array of contracts, all of which will adopt the same form.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

Memorandum of understanding - JV(project) Coy & Coy Tas.

Tasmania only. This Deed or Memorandum of Understanding is between a company and another company who have decided to co-operate in a new joint venture operation which is project-based, meaning there are no revenues and no attempt to make sales or profit, simply to incur expenses from which both parties seek to benefit. This deed is like a partnership agreement between two companies but one that does not seek to create a new entity. A new management board is established, rules for running the operation agreed, and certain risks identified and dealt with.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00


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