Contracting & Sub-contracting

Personal Services Contract

A contract between a principal and a contractor where the contractor qualifies as a personal services business under one or more of the four qualifications laid down by the ATO under the Alienation of Personal Services Income Regulations NAT 8028 and includes the definition of qualifications laid down by NAT 4788.

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AUD $55.00

Memorandum of Understanding

The Memorandum of Understanding is a record of an agreement between two or more equals that have agreed to cooperate in order to achieve certain objectives; these "equals" could be, for example, different divisions of the same Company or two or more different companies. It is similar to a partnership agreement but in the case of the Memorandum of Understanding there is no attempt to build a separate legal entity; it is simply a way of getting the two entities to work together.

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AUD $33.00

Subcontractor's agreement - protection &confidentialityST/ST

This general agreement allows a contractor (sole trader) to engage a sub-contractor (sole trader) to work on unspecified contracts for which (s)he is the head-contractor over a particular term of arrangement. The agreement seeks to ensure that the sub-contractor is not considered to be an employee of the head-contractor. The agreement is careful about conflict of interest, assignment and confidentiality, and seeks to openly restrain trade (to the extent legally permissible) by the Subby with key players after the contract is over.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

Contract - Ghost writer - totalsum stages upfr+b

This Service Contract is for a contractor to work on a project for planning, writing, editing and publishing a major document to be completed ASAP. There is an 'intended term' but no penalties are incurred by either party for failure to meet the intended deadlines. After the end of the intended term either party may end the contract by providing notice. There is an 'absolute term' (which could be a year after the intended term but needs to be there in case of significant lack of progress) which causes a finalisation of this contract and a new contract (if desired by both parties).

Document image: 
AUD $44.00

Subcontractor's agreement - protection &confidentialityCo/Co

This general agreement allows a contractor (company) to engage a sub-contractor (company) to work on unspecified contracts for which (s)he is the head-contractor over a particular term of arrangement. The agreement seeks to ensure that the sub-contractor is not considered to be an employee of the head-contractor. The agreement is careful about conflict of interest, assignment and confidentiality, and seeks to openly restrain trade (to the extent legally permissible) by the Subby with key players after the contract is over.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00


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