Setting up operations in the market

Setting up operations in the market

Org Chart - vertical - 4 levels - Sales

PDF. A sales organisation that operates at four levels. Three departments carry out the main functional purpose of the organisation (selling) and three departments service all the other departments. The sales department is split into sub-departments depending on the nature of the market. In this example it is split into regional sales offices with a national sales manager and regional sales managers, but it could be split by industry, market or product. Levels 1 to 3 of this organisational structure are dictated by the mission and so never change, short, medium or long term.

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Org Chart - Marketing Divisi - Depts regular&project (Visio)

Visio. An interesting example. This organisation chart depicts a marketing division. It has three departments for regular marketing, sales and research plus a schema for regular project work related to marketing. The marketing director reckons she has the best resources already on staff and so she sees these as the best resources to be ustilised by the project manager. She doesn't have to waste valuable effort bringing outsiders up to scratch, and the technical prowess is already there and able to just get on with the job.

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Org Chart - flat functional - Sales

A simple explanatory organisational chart, incorporating upstream/downstream strategic planning and costing, for a sales company, selling a product such as a financial service or a generic product such as travel.

This organisation has six departments, flatly organised (all at the same level), that describe the full sales process, with a focus on the sales department. The GM, the company secretary and the treasurer all sit on the board and service all the departments. There are three departments upstream from the sales department and two departments downstream.

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Org Chart - Marketing Bureau - brainstorming&project based v

Visio. An interesting example. This is a marketing bureau. Does the organisation chart have to be boring and structural? Or can the dynamism of the operations of the bureau be reflected in the way the bureau is organised? This org chart sees everything as a project. The key to the life of this bureau is creativity and good ideas. Its org chart is dominated by this. It gets a potential customer and interrogates the customer about needs and aspirations and then does a brainstorming event or series of events that come up with the marketing plan.

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Org Chart - Marketing Bureau - brainstorming&project based w

PDF. An interesting example. This is a marketing bureau. Does the organisation chart have to be boring and structural? Or can the dynamism of the operations of the bureau be reflected in the way the bureau is organised? This org chart sees everything as a project. The key to the life of this bureau is creativity and good ideas. Its org chart is dominated by this. It gets a potential customer and interrogates the customer about needs and aspirations and then does a brainstorming event or series of events that come up with the marketing plan.

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Org Chart - Distinct Geographic Div -Market focusROUNDTABLEv

Visio version. Another useful example of a simple matrix organisational chart. This large corporation has three operating divisions because it operates in three nations. This means that each of these divisions needs a flat functional department structure that are all pretty much the same, but, because the markets they operate in are completely distinct and subject to quite different linguistic, cultural and legal conditions of trade, there is no point in them being housed together. Each Division is quite independent.

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Org Chart - Distinct Geographic Div -Market focusROUNDTABLEw

PDF version. Another useful example of a simple matrix organisational chart. This large corporation has three operating divisions because it operates in three nations. This means that each of these divisions needs a flat functional department structure that are all pretty much the same, but, because the markets they operate in are completely distinct and subject to quite different linguistic, cultural and legal conditions of trade, there is no point in them being housed together. Each Division is quite independent.

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Org Chart - Marketing Division - Depts perform regular & project work

Word. An interesting example. This organisation chart depicts a marketing division. It has three departments for regular marketing, sales and research plus a schema for regular project work related to marketing. The marketing director reckons she has the best resources already on staff and so she sees these as the best resources to be ustilised by the project manager. She doesn't have to waste valuable effort bringing outsiders up to scratch, and the technical prowess is already there and able to just get on with the job.

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