A simple explanatory organisational chart, incorporating upstream/downstream strategic planning and costing, for a sales company, selling a product such as a financial service or a generic product such as travel.
This organisation has six departments, flatly organised (all at the same level), that describe the full sales process, with a focus on the sales department. The GM, the company secretary and the treasurer all sit on the board and service all the departments. There are three departments upstream from the sales department and two departments downstream.
There are three simple temporal periods for planning and control - short term, medium term and long term, and key words for each period describe the key decisions that need to be made in each period. Short term decisions are downstream; for medium term decisions the focus shifts to the advertising department; and long term decisions involve everyone. The accounting and reporting is less dominated by temporal planning because this is a very immediate process able to change more rapidly because it is not manufacturing anything (International planning presentation).

Organisational chart incorporating upstream/downstream strategic planning and costing.