In this letter of appointment the formal contract of employment has been re-written to sound more informal but it is still the same contract in letter style, with a place for counter-signature by the new recruit. This letter of appointment limits itself to issues related to the contract of employment because either (a) there is a separate code of conduct; or (b) the code of conduct considerations are considered to be unimportant (which is often the case in small to medium-sized Australian companies). The job description would be added to this letter/contract as an appendix. This version uses time off in lieu but allows the employee to cash in time off in lieu at standard rates, which is the same as saying if you work overtime you can get paid but not at overtime rates, but it also gives the employee some flexibility. Australian legal contract of employment.

Letter of appointment in which the formal contract of employment has been re-written in letter style, with a place for counter-signature by the new recruit.