A standard RFT for a major (NSW) project. Fully worked with conditions applicable to a major project with a preference for an instument of delegation by the tenderer's board of directors (or otherwise things start getting complicated). It requires confidentiality agreement (issuer to tenderer) nomination format before due diligence can begin and requires any subby that the tenderer wants involved in due diligence to be identified by confidentiality declaration (NSW) by the tenderer. The subby will also need to sign a confidentiality agreement. It ties any subby involved in due diligence to one tenderer only. It has pre- and post- closing date contacts (which often happens) and an agent (such as a solicitor or the legal department) to control the formal lodgement and any subsequent changes to the RFT. It gives definitions of compliance and disqualification based on definitions in the
so that everyone knows exactly what you mean. This example includes appendices containing preferred front page of tender, offer page, possible 3-level statement of compliance, certificate of identification, statutory declaration (NSW) for a tenderer, bidder (open collusion), and New South Wales tendering.

A standard RFT for a major (NSW) project.