Professional & Other

Professional & Other

SA - Agency Agreement - Manufactured goods

An agreement between a supplier of manufactured goods (the 'principal') and a seller ('the agent') in the State of South Australia that creates an exclusive agency within a given territory for a given period and provides for a continuation of the exclusive agency, so long as the agent continues to meet the requirements of the agreement. It includes mention of a limited warranty agreement between the customer and the supplier and outlines the agent's role in setting up this agreement.

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AUD $55.00

Memorandum of understanding - political - Country&Country BI

Bi-lateral agreement on a particular subject. This Memorandum of Understanding is designed for a minister of a country and a minister of another country who have had a "meeting of the minds" and have decided to formally record this with a legal agreement. It explains future planned co-operative activities in the interests of both countries and identifies from each country participating agencies, a key agency for control over activities, and other participating institutions. It explains how activities are funded and how conflicts will be resolved.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

Contract - improve website performance - hourly rate

This Service Contract is for a contractor to work on a project for improving website performance to be completed by a given time (the 'term') and to be paid for a given number of hours within that term. An initial payment is required to get the job under way and a 'backout clause' allows the Client to cancel within 30 days, but, after this date, both sides are committed to completing the job as agreed. For small jobs 100% is required up front.

Document image: 
AUD $33.00

Certificate of Provenance & Authenticity - Photo (Original)

The certificate of provenance is useful at the time of sale of a work of art. It provides confidence and authenticity to the sale. This certificate is designed for a photograph of which there is only one unique original print. The certificate therefore also acts as evidence of its authenticity; if the original work is accompanied by this certificate it can be guaranteed to be authentic and by this artist. It is in .jpg format designed to be imported into a .doc file, printed out and completed with a pen.

Document image: 
AUD $0.00

Security Officer - Licensed Brothel (Partnership) - Queensla

This contract of employment is for a security officer for a licensed brothel in Queensland, with specific reference to special responsibilities derived from the legal requirements placed on the approved manager and/or licensee of the brothel under the Prostitution Act 1999. The contract makes reference to the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cwth) and Industrial Relations Act (Qld) 1999. Overtime. Three month probationary period. (prostitute) (minor) (liquor)

Document image: 
AUD $33.00


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