Professional & Other

Professional & Other

QLD - Outsourced Manufacturing Agreement

An agreement between a company and a contractor in the State of Queensland for an outsourced manufacturing process where the product is supplied by the company, worked on by the contractor and then delivered back to the company. It contains commitments to schedules, times and pricing, and talks about performance targets, responsibility for loss in delivery, indemnities for quality and warranties of final product.

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AUD $55.00

Contract of Employment - Hiring Fee - Approved Manager - QLD

This contract of employment is designed for an approved manager to manage a licensed brothel in the State of Queensland under the Prostitution Act 1999. It places strict responsibilities on the approved manager for compliance of the brothel under the Act. It pays a special (significant) hiring fee to the new recruit to "come on board". This fee is paid for loyalty, confidentiality and restraint of trade, and it needs certain remedies if these are not delivered.

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AUD $55.00

NT - Agency Agreement - Manufactured goods

An agreement between a supplier of manufactured goods (the 'principal') and a seller ('the agent') in the Northern Territory that creates an exclusive agency within a given territory for a given period and provides for a continuation of the exclusive agency, so long as the agent continues to meet the requirements of the agreement. It includes mention of a limited warranty agreement between the customer and the supplier and outlines the agent's role in setting up this agreement.

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AUD $55.00

*ERP Dispute Resolution

Over the last five years the success rates of ERP implementations have run at somewhere around 30% to 40% and with project costs that can spiral into millions of dollars it is not surprising there is considerable conflict between enterprises (clients) and their ERP suppliers/implementers. These conflicts generally become evident during the implementation stages of the ERP project when events occur that affect the progress of the project or when cost blow-outs become obvious.

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*ERP Projects are not just software

Thirty years ago it was widely recognised that implementing MRPII was not just a software system, Thirty years ago the success rate for MRPII was around 30%. Companies that claimed success in their ERP project reported a shortfall in results achieved against expectations. In those days the MRPII failures were mostly put down to the newness of computers and our learning to adopt change methodologies driven by senior management to effect that change. Thirty years later it is as if we have learnt nothing in 30 years.

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