Professional & Other

Professional & Other

WA - Outsourced Manufacturing Agreement

An agreement between a company and a contractor in the State of Western Australia for an outsourced manufacturing process where the product is supplied by the company, worked on by the contractor and then delivered back to the company. It contains commitments to schedules, times and pricing, and talks about performance targets, responsibility for loss in delivery, indemnities for quality and warranties of final product.

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AUD $55.00

*Investing in ERP - Good or Bad?

Whilst ERP is logical and has been embraced across all industry sectors, the many horror stories of failures and millions of dollars squandered on botched implementations would indicate that there are fundamental problems! Problems with the technology or the approach to the technology. In fact, to take this further, there are many organisations who believe that the entire exercise of integration with ERP has been an expensive waste of money and effort.

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AUD $0.00

Briefing Note (SMEs - State vs. Industry)

An interesting document. The Researcher is planning to brief the Minister and the Head of Department on a "problem" related to SMEs at the "State" and at the "Industry" level. This needs to be as "brief" as possible whilst containing all the necessary information for the key players to be "across" the problem. This particular Briefing Note relies heavily on ABS 2006 and ANSIC classifications.

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AUD $3.30

*Lean Manufacturing - A competitive strategy

Lean manufacturing is a comprehensive term referring to methodologies based on maximising value and minimising waste in the manufacturing process. Lean manufacturing has evolved over time based on common sense and documented by Toyota. The principles have been around in fragmented form but in the last few years has been consolidated into a set of thought processes and called lean.

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AUD $0.00

NSW - Outsourced Manufacturing Agreement

An agreement between a company and a contractor in the State of New South Wales for an outsourced manufacturing process where the product is supplied by the company, worked on by the contractor and then delivered back to the company. It contains commitments to schedules, times, and pricing, and talks about performance targets, responsibility for loss in delivery, indemnities for quality and warranties of final product.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

Lawson Calderon Consultancy Contracts Admin system

A diagram of a simple but powerful contracts administration system originally designed for management consultants to control a consulting project from the moment prospecting begins to the end of project. The process is described in 80 clear steps by three participating departments. Useful for small organisations or large ones. This system is also described in an associated Operations Manual.

Document image: 
AUD $22.00


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