Professional & Other

Professional & Other

*Basic Problem Solving Tools, Why we don't use them!

Basic problem solving tools must be provided to employees by way of training and practical projects so they understand at a problem solving reality and not just theory then ensure they are utilised and displayed at their work stations. Make it part of their job and link results with pay reviews. Management must fully understand the tools available and apply them to a real problem to see the outcomes for themselves.

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Contract - management cons -total sum paid in stages upfr +b

This Service Contract is for a management consultant to work on a major management planning or decision making project to be completed ASAP. There is an 'intended term' but no penalties are incurred by either party for failure to meet the intended deadlines. After the end of the intended term either party may end the contract by providing notice. There is an 'absolute term' (which could be a year after the intended term but needs to be there in case of significant lack of progress) which causes a finalisation of this contract and a new contract (if desired by both parties).

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AUD $44.00

Document Life Cycle

A simplified version of a document life cycle with seven stages and 50 activities under those stages. These activities are assigned to publisher, researcher, tech writer, editor, and document owner (derived from AS/NZS4258 but much simpler, and tried and proven over the years). This is a PDF file version.

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AUD $3.30

Memorandum of understanding - political - Country&Country MU

Multi-lateral agreement on a particular subject. This Memorandum of Understanding is designed for ministers of three countries who have had a "meeting of the minds" and have decided to formally record this with a legal agreement. It explains future planned co-operative activities in the interests of all participating countries and identifies from each country participating agencies, a key agency for control over activities, and other participating institutions. It explains how activities are funded and how conflicts will be resolved.

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AUD $55.00

*ERP - A Manager's insight!

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems, whilst seen as essential for todays business, comes with a considerable amount of risk. The statistics on success are alarming. Around 60% of all ERP Implementations do not yield the results expected, budgets are overrun by 25% and even those companies claiming success only report 50% of expected benefits. There are many high profile disputes between purchasers of these systems, the suppliers and their implementing partners with a number ending up in costly legal battles or out of court settlements.

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*ERP Failure Blame Game

The Failure Blame Game - 50-65% of all ERP implementations do not yield promised results! ERP Implementation costs exceeding budget up to 25% is the norm! Disruption to company operations can cost millions of dollars in losses! Can Australian Business really afford these failures?

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follow up /atko-global

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