Professional & Other

Professional & Other

SA - Outsourced Manufacturing Agreement

An agreement between a company and a contractor in the State of South Australia for an outsourced manufacturing process where the product is supplied by the company, worked on by the contractor and then delivered back to the company. It contains commitments to schedules, times and pricing, and talks about performance targets, responsibility for loss in delivery, indemnities for quality and warranties of final product.

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AUD $55.00

Lawson Calderon Consultancy Operations Manual

This is an operations manual for management consultants. It was written by a member of the docDownload development team for the late Lawson Calderon when Mr Calderon was consulting internationally. Mr Calderon worked for many years on CARICOM (Caribbean Community) projects, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD); United States Agency for International Development (USAID); Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the Organisation of American States (OAS) and the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), and was well-known for his clarity and purpose.

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AUD $55.00

LEP - Local Environment Plan

The local environment plan (LEP) is not subject to strict rules. Its task is to convince the council and the state government department (and eventually the minister) that the zoning etc. needs to be altered to allow the development to go ahead. This comprehensive LEP format applies the same format to each discipline. They all think that their particular science makes them unique, but, if you can convince them to adopt this simple model, it makes the planner's job easier, and therefore increases the likelihood of the success of the instrument.

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AUD $110.00

Article 10: Process change in ERP projects

A significant factor in the disappointment with ERP systems is the failure of organisations to take the opportunity to radically change how the business operates with the ERP technology available to them. ERP opens up a world of technology 'processing solutions' that eliminate the need for many manual processes and controls. To take advantage of these solutions we need to consciously re-engineer these manual processes and eliminate 'cost-adding' activities that provide no value. This article, by Raymond D.

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AUD $0.00

Receptionist - Licensed Brothel (Partnership) - Queensland

This contract of employment is for a receptionist for a licensed brothel in Queensland, with specific reference to special responsibilities derived from the legal requirements placed on the approved manager and/or licensee of the brothel under the Prostitution Act 1999. The contract makes reference to the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cwth) and Industrial Relations Act (Qld) 1999. Overtime. Three month probationary period. (prostitute)

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AUD $33.00

Contract - landscape design - hourly rate upfront backout

This Service Contract is for a contractor to work on a landscape design to go to tender, assist in awarding the tender, and assist in project management; to be completed by a given time (the 'term') and to be paid a set fee for a given number of hours within that term. It requires an initial payment to get the job under way and has a 'backout clause' which allows the Client to cancel within 30 days, but, after this date, both sides are committed to completing the job as agreed.

Document image: 
AUD $33.00


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