Sign - Trading hours - 7 days - Morning/Afternoon
One Trading Hours sign - 7 days, 2 sessions per day - morning and afternoon, start and finish hours.
Sign - Yes smoking
One "Yes smoking" sign per A4 sheet. This sign also has a "warning - smoking increases the rate of illness and death" warning at the bottom.
Sign - No drinking coffee here
Two "no steaming coffee cup" symbols per A4 sheet as per AS 2899. Symbol only. Useful for retricted areas such as mainframe machine rooms.
Job Description 1 - Laundry Shop Assistant
This job description (based on ASCO2 and ANZSCO standard descriptors and some standard requirements) describes a new job on offer for a laundry shop assistant employed to perform customer service duties within the dry cleaning and laundry services industry. (ANZIC group 440 Accomodation Industry.) It is designed to be sent to the potential applicant along with an application form. It is based on the Job profile that was completed when the new position was designed and approved, prior to advertising the new position. It emphasises the skills and experience required by the new position, etc.
Resume - IT Technical expert
A resume format for a technical expert in the IT industry. This is a standard resume; a completely blank form in questionnaire format.
Sign - Danger - combustible liquids
One "danger - combustible liquids - no smoking" sign per A4 sheet. Standard danger sign. Designed for AVERY J8167 (199.6mm*289.1mm).
Job Profile - Electrical Engineer
A detailed description of a particular position, viz. a electrical engineer employed. This includes the overall objects of the position, relationships with others in the unit and outside, and a detailed task analysis. An important document when you are preparing for recruitment. It provides the basis for the Job Description and is the basic document for evaluating the applicant's suitability for the position. The questionnaire format assists in that evaluation process.
Curriculum Vitae - Architect
A resume format for a professional architect. This is a completely blank form in questionnaire format.
Job Profile - Junior Tech Writer & Research Assistant
A detailed description of a particular position, viz. a junior technical writer and research assistant. This includes the overall objects of the position, relationships with others in the unit and outside, and a detailed task analysis. An important document when you are preparing for recruitment. It provides the basis for the Job Description and is the basic document for evaluating the applicant's suitability for the position. The questionnaire format assists in that evaluation process.