
Job Description 1 - Florist

This job description (based on ASCO2 and ANZSCO standard descriptors and some standard requirements) describes a new job on offer for a Florist employed to perform customer service duties and undertake a key role in the company's Floral Art unit. (ANZIC Group 011 Nursery and Floriculture Production Industry.) It is designed to be sent to the potential applicant along with an application form. It is based on the Job profile that was completed when the new position was designed and approved, prior to advertising the new position.

Document image: 
AUD $22.00

Job Description 1 - Dental Therapist

This job description (based on ASCO2 and ANZSCO standard descriptors and some standard requirements) describes a new job on offer for a Dental Therapist employed to perform important tasks within the Dental/Health Services Unit. (ANZIC Group 851 Medical Services industry.) It is designed to be sent to the potential applicant along with an application form. It is based on the Job profile that was completed when the new position was designed and approved, prior to advertising the new position. It emphasises the skills and experience required by the new position, etc.

Document image: 
AUD $22.00

Letter of rejection - you are under-qualified (interview)

This letter of rejection is for someone who got an interview but was not considered for the position because during the interview it became clear that (s)he was under-qualified for the position. It explains why openness is important and why minimum qualifications are important. Includes policy on Privacy Act and return/destroy application.

Document image: 
AUD $5.50

Job Profile - Knowledge Analyst (KMS)

A detailed description of a particular position, viz. a technical writer and publisher called upon to act as a knowledge analyst and write, process and publish content that is viewed and accessed internally by personnel through the knowledge management system KMS; includes business case, URS, IMS, SME, and UAT. This includes the overall objects of the position, relationships with others in the unit and outside, and a detailed task analysis. An important document when you are preparing for recruitment.

Document image: 
AUD $16.50

Job Profile - Barista

A detailed description of a particular position, viz. a barista employed to operate as a coffee bar attendant. This includes the overall objects of the position, relationships with others in the unit and outside, and a detailed task analysis. An important document when you are preparing for recruitment. It provides the basis for the Job Description and is the basic document for evaluating the applicant's suitability for the position. The questionnaire format assists in that evaluation process.

Document image: 
AUD $16.50

Letter of appointment - informal contract style (broad)

In this letter of appointment the formal contract of employment has been re-written to sound more informal but it is still the same contract in letter style, with a place for counter-signature by the new recruit. This broad contract includes both the considerations of the contract of employment and the code of conduct. The job description would be added to this letter/contract as an appendix. Australian legal contract of employment.

AUD $0.00

Job Description 1 - Team Leader/Construction Tradesperson

This job description (based on ASCO2 and ANZSCO standard descriptors and some standard requirements) describes a new job on offer for Team Leader/Construction Tradesperson employed within the construction unit to develop safe, long lasting projects to successful completion. (For example, in the ANZIC Group 301 House Construction industry.) It is designed to be sent to the potential applicant along with an application form. It is based on the position profile that was completed when the new position was designed and approved, prior to advertising the new position.

Document image: 
AUD $22.00


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