Professional & Other

Professional & Other

Licence to Occupy - Artist space with licensor & other occup

This licence to occupy is for an artist's studio space in a building which is assumed to have common areas such as stairwells, toilets and washroom facilities, kitchen facilities, rubbish etc. where the licensee is required to cooperate with the licensor and other artists on space and common facilities such as safety, rubbish removal, etc. It pays particular attention to mediums and their risks and responsibilities. It grants licence to occupy for a given period in return for licence fee and certain responsibilities but does not grant leasehold rights or quiet enjoyment.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

Contract - management consultant-hourly rate upfront backout

This Service Contract is for a management consultant to work on a major management planning or decision making project to be completed by a given time (the 'term') and to be paid for a given number of hours within that term. The contract requires an initial payment to get the job under way and has a 'backout clause' which allows the Client to cancel within 30 days, but, after this date, both sides are committed to completing the job as agreed. For small jobs 100% is required up front.

Document image: 
AUD $44.00

LEP - Model for chapter headings

The local environment plan (LEP) is not subject to strict rules and planners have adopted a number of different models over the years. This model (in the form of a single page diagram in Visio) has proven very useful to a number of projects in helping to generate the chapters required for a successful LEP.

Document image: 
AUD $22.00

*ERP & the mining industry

Our experience with the mining industry mirrors the experience in all other industries. There is a common theme where too much reliance is put on the sellers of the software, their implementation partners and the lack of a clear vision on how the technology can be used to integrate the different areas of the business.

Document provided by:

follow up /atko-global

Document image: 
AUD $0.00

Certificate of Authenticity - Objet d'Art (Figurine)

The certificate of authenticity is useful at the time of sale of an objet d'art (an object usually retained and collected because of its beauty and/or great skill and often of interest to the historian). It gives the buyer confidence that they are getting an original work and not a modern copy. This certificate is designed for limited edition figurine. It gives details of the number of figurines created of this type. It is in .jpg format designed to be imported into a .doc file, printed out and completed with a pen. (object d'arte, object d'art)

Document image: 
AUD $0.00

Tas. - Outsourced Manufacturing Agreement

An agreement between a company and a contractor in the State of Tasmania for an outsourced manufacturing process where the product is supplied by the company, worked on by the contractor and then delivered back to the company. It contains commitments to schedules, times and pricing, and talks about performance targets, responsibility for loss in delivery, indemnities for quality and warranties of final product.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00


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