Professional & Other

Professional & Other

Submission - desalination plant at Kurnell

This concept plan takes the original concept plan issued by the NSW Government Planning Dept for investigating the desalination plant proposal and modifies it to widen the views of risk and impact and uses the result as a submission to the Commonwealth government. It includes an ethical statement and new concepts related to capture of sewage water outfall and redirection of stormwater outfall, including a high level water recycling flow diagram, a multi-purpose water treatment plant (MWTP) and a floating flexi-weir (FFW) at sea level. International planning document.

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AUD $0.00

Venue & Event Supplier Agreement - both crucial to event

An agreement between an Event Promoter and a Venue Club (such as the RSL Club). The promoter wishes to stage an event in the club and invite his own members to the club. The club will provide the venue and access to the club via normal temporary/visitors membership protocols. A detailed set of supplementary regulations form part of the agreement, detailing the requirements on the promoter, the club and the patronage. Both sides are considered fundamental and crucial to the staging of the event.

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AUD $66.00

Document Life Cycle (2)

A simplified version of a document life cycle with seven stages and 50 activities under those stages. These activities are assigned to publisher, researcher, tech writer, editor, and document owner (derived from AS/NZS4258 but much simpler, and tried and proven over the years). This is a Powerpoint presentation page.

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AUD $3.30

ERP A Senior Executives Major Career Risk!

After analysing dozens of ERP projects over the last thirty years, it is clear that executives need to take a different, more broadly based view if they want ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) to provide the benefits the technology is capable of. Too many executives see ERP solely as a computer technology project, believing that if they buy a new software system, their operational problems will be solved. The huge number of failed ERP projects is the evidence needed to signal to boards and CEOs that it doesn't work that way.

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AUD $0.00

Certificate of Authenticity - Objet d'Art (Jewelry)

The certificate of authenticity is useful at the time of sale of an objet d'art (an object usually retained and collected because of its beauty and/or great skill and often of interest to the historian). It gives the buyer confidence that they are getting an original work and not a modern copy. This certificate is designed for limited edition jewelry item. It gives details of the number of items created of this type. It is in .jpg format designed to be imported into a .doc file, printed out and completed with a pen. (object d'arte, object d'art)

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AUD $0.00

Article: Australia's manufacturing future

Australia is at a crossroads in manufacturing. With global competition coming from many sources like India and China we are under threat of losing our manufacturing capability. Can we turn this around? How can we compete in this global society? This article by Raymond D. Atkinson examines the issues involved and the way forward if manufacturing is to survive in Australia.

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AUD $0.00

NT - Outsourced Manufacturing Agreement

An agreement between a company and a contractor in the Northern Territory for an outsourced manufacturing process where the product is supplied by the company, worked on by the contractor and then delivered back to the company. It contains commitments to schedules, times and pricing, and talks about performance targets, responsibility for loss in delivery, indemnities for quality and warranties of final product.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00


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