Professional & Other

Professional & Other

Commercial Lease - NSW - single property

A commercial lease designed for a single property (one that does not involve other tenancies). This is a very detailed and legally precise lease. It assumes a high degree of equality between the lessor and the lessee (i.e. it is not prepared in favour of the lessor as many leases are). It is very clear on who is reponsible for what costs. The landlord covers municipal rates, water and sewerage rates and land taxes. It assumes the term of lease to be up to three years.

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AUD $55.00

Briefing document - SLA Contract with KPI

This service level agreement (SLA) in the form of a briefing document to be provided to and signed off by the contractor accompanies the basic service contract and exists to spell out the service levels agreed by the contractor, target levels of service in the form of KPI (key performance indicators) and the requirements on the contractor if targets are not met. It includes other arrangements for the proper performance under contract, including access, security and so on.

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AUD $33.00

*ERP & Corporate Risk

ERP and the earlier MRP II systems simplistically promised returns across the board for companies investing in the technology. For the early days the technology focussed, in the main, on manufacturing organisations, which were the main proving grounds for the development of the technology. Today the ERP technology is used universally across all organisations. Whilst the potential benefits were widely publicised, little attention is given to the change and the risk involved that a company will face to achieve the promised results.

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AUD $0.00

New Model 4 - Reporting

NOTE: THIS IS A DIAGRAM ONLY. The key in the future to working out our short, medium and long term success will be compliance factors used in annual reporting. We will have to be prepared to adjust our operations, year-by-year, to guarantee compliance. If we wait a decade, it will be far too late. This brings the compliance model into contact with the reporting entities model and generates a new or enhanced role for the annual report. We expect to see the compliance factors playing a stronger and stronger role in reporting.

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AUD $44.00

WA - Agency Agreement - Manufactured goods

An agreement between a supplier of manufactured goods (the 'principal') and a seller ('the agent') in the State of Western Australia that creates an exclusive agency within a given territory for a given period and provides for a continuation of the exclusive agency, so long as the agent continues to meet the requirements of the agreement. It includes mention of a limited warranty agreement between the customer and the supplier and outlines the agent's role in setting up this agreement.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00


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