Professional & Other

Professional & Other

*The ERP Industry's Basic Dishonesty

With so many ERP implementations going wrong, it is time to take a realistic look at the industry and the what's behind the high cost and high failures of ERP: the consultants! The IT industry, generally, have gotten away with behavior that makes the mafia look honest! Products that don't do what the salesmen promise, expertise they claim they have but don't have, misrepresentation after misrepresentation, and creating chaos in industry with failed implementations.

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Contract - hosting website & additional website design

This is basically two contracts in one. This Service Contract is for a website design company that provides a complete service, including hosting the Client's website and additional services related to design and improving the Client's website and services. Additional Services are conducted under the Terms found in L-3154. The contract contains specific Terms of Engagement related to hosting and specific clauses related to website design, trademark and copyright and suggested appendices detail the web design process and what completion is intended at each settlement.

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AUD $44.00

Vic. - Agency Agreement - Manufactured goods

An agreement between a supplier of manufactured goods (the 'principal') and a seller ('the agent') in the State of Victoria that creates an exclusive agency within a given territory for a given period and provides for a continuation of the exclusive agency, so long as the agent continues to meet the requirements of the agreement. It includes mention of a limited warranty agreement between the customer and the supplier and outlines the agent's role in setting up this agreement.

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AUD $55.00

Certificate of Provenance & Authenticity - Print (Original)

The certificate of provenance is useful at the time of sale of a work of art. It provides confidence and authenticity to the sale. This certificate is designed for a print of which there is only one unique original work. The certificate therefore also acts as evidence of its authenticity; if the original work is accompanied by this certificate it can be guaranteed to be authentic and by this artist. It is in .jpg format designed to be imported into a .doc file, printed out and completed with a pen.

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AUD $0.00

*Common Perceptions of ERP Failures

Common complaints emerging from organisations implementing ERP systems allege considerable lack of knowledge and professionalism in the actual implementation process provided by implementing organisations. Typically at the negotiation or project kick-off stage the presented material appears very professional with implementation plans and strategies that experts would find difficult to fault. There is a serious expectation and assumption of professionalism and expertise of the supplier/implementing organisation given the huge amounts of money they are asking for the service!

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AUD $0.00


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