Professional & Other

Professional & Other

Media release - background briefing

A document designed to be sent with the media release to explain in more detail key statements contained in the media release. This allows the sender to provide a brief and attractive article, similar to that which is expected in the newspapers and magazines etc. plus more detailed explanations should they be required by the editors receiving the media release.

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*ERP Metrics - Measure twice, cut once!

Investing large amounts of money, tying up vital human resources, and even, possibly, betting the house on the implementation of a new ERP system, is not a decision to be taken lightly. If you are the CEO of a trucking company then it's a given that you, most of your managers and most of your Board will have a comprehensive understanding of the drivers of success for this industry. This is NOT what generally happens with the spending on an ERP project!

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Contract - improve website performance - total sum+ upfront

This Service Contract is for a contractor to work on for improving website performance to be completed ASAP. There is an 'intended term' but no penalties are incurred by either party for failure to meet the intended deadlines. After the end of the intended term either party may end the contract by providing notice. There is an 'absolute term' (which could be a year after the intended term but needs to be there in case of significant lack of progress) which causes a finalisation of this contract and a new contract (if desired by both parties). There is a contract sum and three settlements.

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AUD $44.00

Letter of Appointment

Many management consultants are appointed by way of a letter of appointment that is written by their client, often a letter that they offer to the client for consideration and approval. This letter of appointment is a formal legal contract in the form of a letter, outlining the conditions of engagement, such as delivery expectations and payment expectations.

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AUD $22.00

*ERP - The Nemesis of Senior Management

From a senior management perspective, ERP is a computer system that we need to run the business. Software houses and their implementation partners have sold into the industry on the "sign a cheque solution" implying that if you sign this cheque, it will all fall into place. The cheque will typically be very large, with few, if any, guarantees of success.

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follow up /atko-global

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Regionalism - How to draw a regional boundary

A concept document that speaks of a new Australia in the twenty first century. Regionalism. What is a region? Constitutional niceties. How to draw a regional boundary. The importance of water. The historical moment of change. The problem of drought and global warming makes the change even more urgent. (statehood, local government, regionalism, commonwealth, constitution, republic, water, murray-darling, indigenous, governor, governor-general, senate, sub-committee)

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