* Precedents Online -HR

Reference Check - Interrogative - Managerial (HIS) PEmployer

This reference check is a FORM (using the [TAB] key) built by the potential employer, and implies we are 'seeking your involvement as this is an important managerial position'. It seeks a reference from someone who the candidate has offered as a 'possibe referee'. In 'relationship', it applies to a Director, an Employer, a Team Leader, a Mentor, a Peer, an Underling, or an 'Other'.

Document image: 
AUD $11.00

Confidentiality Agreement between Employer & Employee

A separate deed of confidentiality, specifically designed for the employer and employee, to be signed at recruitment. This one allows execution even before employment (for those who are to reveal important information in the recruitment process (say, in second stage interviews)) but works even if this is not an aspect of this particular recruitment. Australian. NSW, Vic., ACT, WA, SA, NT.

Document image: 
AUD $33.00

Job Description 1 - Amusement Park/Centre Manager

This job description (based on ASCO2 and ANZSCO standard descriptors and some standard requirements) describes a new job on offer for a customer service manager employed to perform skilled duties within the Amusement Park/Centre industry. (ANZIC group 913 Amusement and Other Recreational Activities Industry.) It is designed to be sent to the potential applicant along with an application form. It is based on the Job profile that was completed when the new position was designed and approved, prior to advertising the new position.

Document image: 
AUD $22.00

Letter of dismissal for misconduct (payment in lieu anyway)

A letter of dismissal to an employee - serious misconduct by the Employee has led to immediate dismissal and termination of the contract of employment. It explains why payment in lieu of notice is provided, even though it is not required under contract. (Many employers choose this as the safest way out as the Employee is required to sign a statement saying (s)he understands that the Employer is not required to give it and by accepting it the Employee has undertaken not to seek further payment.) It lays out all the elements involved in the calculation of final payout.

Document image: 
AUD $22.00

Letter of appointment - informal contract style (limited) 2

In this letter of appointment the formal contract of employment has been re-written to sound more informal but it is still the same contract in letter style, with a place for counter-signature by the new recruit. This letter of appointment limits itself to issues related to the contract of employment because either (a) there is a separate code of conduct; or (b) the code of conduct considerations are considered to be unimportant (which is often the case in small to medium-sized Australian companies). The job description would be added to this letter/contract as an appendix.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

Job Profile - Accounts clerk - Bookkeeper

A detailed description of a particular position, viz. a detailed description of the Accounting clerk (Bookkeeper) who has responsibility for the General Journal and the General Ledger, including issues such as Acquisitions, Disposals, Petty Cash, BAS, GST, FBT, Directors' expenses, Directors' loans, Bank Reconciliations, Extraordinary Items, Trial Balance, Corrections, and so on. It includes the overall objects of the position, relationships with others in the unit and outside, and a detailed task analysis. An important document when you are preparing for recruitment.

Document image: 
AUD $16.50

Job Profile - Accounts clerk - Purchases/Creditors officer

A detailed description of the position of the Accounts Clerk who has responsibility for the relationship between the production unit, the accounts dept, and the suppliers, and for paying the creditors. It includes the overall objects of the position, relationships with others in the unit and outside, and a detailed task analysis. An important document when you are preparing for recruitment. It provides the basis for the Job Description. A worked example.

Document image: 
AUD $16.50

Code of Conduct - Laser Eye Surgeon

The Code of Conduct is a document designed to influence the behaviour of employees and to establish an agreed set of minimum requirements that are placed upon an employee by the workplace they work in or the position that they hold. This version dictates acceptable principles of ethical practice for laser eye health care employees (specifically surgeons) in accordance with the Australian Medical Association's Standards. You may wish to use it to create a simpler version using this as a guide.

Document image: 
AUD $11.00


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