
Job Description 1 - Sales and Marketing Manager

This job description (based on ASCO2 and ANZSCO standard descriptors and some standard requirements) describes a new job on offer for Sales and Marketing Manager employed to perform services within the Marketing and Events Unit and reporting to the general manager. (For example, in the ANZIC Group 301 House Construction industry.) It is designed to be sent to the potential applicant along with an application form. It is based on the position profile that was completed when the new position was designed and approved, prior to advertising the new position.

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AUD $22.00

Org Chart - Marketing Bureau - brainstorming&project based v

Visio. An interesting example. This is a marketing bureau. Does the organisation chart have to be boring and structural? Or can the dynamism of the operations of the bureau be reflected in the way the bureau is organised? This org chart sees everything as a project. The key to the life of this bureau is creativity and good ideas. Its org chart is dominated by this. It gets a potential customer and interrogates the customer about needs and aspirations and then does a brainstorming event or series of events that come up with the marketing plan.

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AUD $11.00

Enterprise Bargaining Agreement

The Enterprise Bargaining Agreement is a legal agreement negotiated for a particular workplace. It contains the terms and conditions of employment for the various types of employees involved at that workplace. It is normal for a union or a number of unions to be involved in this process but it is not essential. (Australian legal agreement between the employer and the union(s)).

AUD $0.00

Meeting - Full square style - floor plan layout

PDF. Meeting - Full square style. A meeting where everyone is equal; participants sit around a square encouraging interaction between everyone who will be considered as full participants. Less participants are possible and it does not lend itself to address or display. This meeting has a maximum of 44 participants which is considered about as high as you can go using this style. (meeting2)

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AUD $11.00

Certificate of Excellence

A certificate of excellence is one which calls attention to a member of staff's participation in a particular project or initiative in which the participant's excellence has been clearly demonstrated. This certificate is built in MSPublisher and therefore can be modified and/or completed on the screen.

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AUD $3.30

Job Description 1 - Electrical Engineer

This job description (based on ASCO2 and ANZSCO standard descriptors and some standard requirements) describes a new job on offer for an Electrical Engineer employed to perform services for a company's Building Unit. (ANZIC Group 692 Architectural, Engineering and Technical Services.) It is a generic document and requires more specific detailing; but a good place to start. It is designed to be sent to the potential applicant along with an application form.

Document image: 
AUD $22.00


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