
Responsibility Matrix

A useful method for giving the various players in a complicated process instruction on what needs to be done and by whom. It is very graphic and clear and simple for all to read. Everyone is aware of their role and the roles played by the others. This responsibility matrix contains a worked example of an actual process (change control) but could be used for any work flow that involves more than one operative. This particular process is broken into 50 basic steps. Each step is assigned to one of 6 different players.

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AUD $11.00

Job Profile - Aged/Disability Care Provider

A detailed description of a particular position, viz. an Aged/Disability care provider. This includes the overall objects of the position, relationships with others in the unit and outside, and a detailed task analysis. An important document when you are preparing for recruitment. It provides the basis for the Job Description and is the basic document for evaluating the applicant's suitability for the position. The questionnaire format assists in that evaluation process.

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AUD $16.50

Meeting - RU-style - floor plan layout (v)

Visio. Meeting - RU-style. A combination of the U style and the Board style. All the advantages of the U style but more intimate and sitting closer and freer to talk to the other participants. A meeting where everyone is equal; a convener but no chairperson; participants sit around three sides of an elongated rectangle, encouraging interaction between everyone who will be considered as full participants. Less participants are possible with this style but it has a lot of benefits and many things become possible.

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AUD $11.00

Job Description 1 - Bar Attendant/Bartender

This job description (based on ASCO2 and ANZSCO standard descriptors and some standard requirements) describes a new job on offer for a Bar Attendant/Bartender employed to perform customer service duties who will be assigned important tasks within the Bar/Beverage Industry. (ANZIC Group 452 Pubs, Taverns and Bars Industry.) It is designed to be sent to the potential applicant along with an application form. It is based on the Job profile that was completed when the new position was designed and approved, prior to advertising the new position.

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AUD $22.00

Job Profile - Interior Decorator

A detailed description of a particular position, viz. an interior decorator. This includes the overall objects of the position, relationships with others in the unit and outside, and a detailed task analysis. An important document when you are preparing for recruitment. It provides the basis for the Job Description and is the basic document for evaluating the applicant's suitability for the position. The questionnaire format assists in that evaluation process.

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AUD $16.50

Federal Award

A federal award is established by an act of the federal parliament. The award states clearly the category of employee to which it applies and which employers are referred to in the respondency list. Federal awards apply in more than one state. Both federal and state awards can apply to a particular workplace so they need to be referred to in a comparative and referential study. (Australian government legislation).

AUD $0.00

Meeting - Banquet style - floor plan layout

A meeting where equal participants sit around a series of circular tables encouraging interaction between the 8 members of "our table", but making interaction between "us" and "them" more difficult. This is often used when the meeting is linked with a formal meal served by waiters, useful for meetings to introduce new technology, or to say "thank you" to the team for their hard work at the end of the campaign, or annual awards, etc. This meeting has 80 participants and 6 at the "top table". (meeting1)

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AUD $0.00


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