Language and cultural sensitivity - new frontiers
Learning to work in different markets, training our team in the history of the region and encouraging knowledge and understanding of language and culture.
Learning to work in different markets, training our team in the history of the region and encouraging knowledge and understanding of language and culture.
This Job Description is designed to be sent to the applicant to inform him/her of the nature of the job being applied for. It is closely linked to the Work Unit Profile and the Job Profile. It needs to provide a clear indication of what is contained in these two planning documents to encourage a clear response from the applicant when filling in the Job Application.
This job application form is designed to be sent to all prospective applicants for a middle management position, upon request. It helps in the assessment process by requiring all applicants to provide relevant, similar and comparable information, and removes unnecessary information from the process. It is usually accompanied by a Job Description but can stand alone if required to do so.
A first letter of warning to an employer from a woman who takes half an hour off each day to pick up her little boy from school - forced reduction in hours and wages and status to part time could constitute dismissal which could allow the employee to sue for unfair dismissal.
This letter of rejection is for someone who lodged an application but in it was applying for the wrong job and therefore was not considered. It returns the application in a manner that ensures compliance with Privacy Act (Cth).
A certificate of personal achievement is one which is awarded to a person for a particular achievement, one which has not been achieved by others. This certificate is in .jpg format designed to be imported into a .doc file, printed out and completed with a pen.
A first letter of warning to an employer - forced reduction in hours (when employee asked to return from extra hours worked to normal hours she was told to go part time and look for another job) could constitute dismissal which could allow the employee to sue for unfair dismissal.