Sign - Trading hours - 7 days - Day/Evening
One Trading Hours sign - 7 days, 2 sessions per day - day and evening, start and finish hours.
One Trading Hours sign - 7 days, 2 sessions per day - day and evening, start and finish hours.
A resume format for an operator or a supervisor in the building industry. This is a standard resume; a completely blank form in questionnaire format.
This weekly time sheet is designed for administrators and office staff and contains basic hours, overtime and control over public holidays and sick leave . It assumes that overtime will be paid for as time off in lieu.
Visio. An interesting example. This organisation chart depicts a marketing division. It has three departments for regular marketing, sales and research plus a schema for regular project work related to marketing. The marketing director reckons she has the best resources already on staff and so she sees these as the best resources to be ustilised by the project manager. She doesn't have to waste valuable effort bringing outsiders up to scratch, and the technical prowess is already there and able to just get on with the job.
This is a "Confidential Letter" form of reference, much preferred in Australia because of its particular nature and because the confidentiality increases the honesty of the referee. This is an example of a referee who has little regard for the suitability of the applicant.
One "danger - blank message" sign per A4 sheet. Standard danger sign. Use when there is danger and no time to build sign. Have sign printed and ready for contingency. Designed for AVERY J8167 (199.6mm*289.1mm).
This letter of rejection is for someone who was not considered for an interview because (s)he was under-qualified for the position. It explains why minimum qualifications are important. Includes policy on Privacy Act and return/destroy application.